
Brett Wiskar


Meet Brett

Brett Wiskar is National Innovation Manager at Australian Catholic University

Brett has spent the last 25 years in digital, technology, and innovation in Australia and the UK. Brett’s entrepreneurial approach to innovation has been used to drive business change and digital platform adoption across large corporations and government agencies in Australia. He has worked with some of the largest brands in the country on their digital roadmaps and innovation programs. He is a recipient of numerous awards and is a frequent speaker on the topics of innovation and technology.

At ACU Brett’s role is to plot the digital innovation pathways for the University. This impacts 2,500 staff and more than 24,000 students. He leads project teams on diverse subjects such as digital enablement, innovation, data, and innovation strategy. He is responsible for Technology, Digtial Innovation, and Change Adoption.


Brett is passionate about the technology that is creating the future – he loves to speak and inspire!

Available for keynote speaking engagements and workshops to business and industry across the Asia Pac region, Brett is an engaging conference speaker who will develop content for your audience to align with your themes and the focus of your event or business!

Navigating Uncertainty: How Adaptability Drives Success

The compounding nature of tech driven innovation, a shrinking world, exponential growth in data, mushrooming communication, computational power and tomorrow's businesses being in market today. If you're building your; skills, career, team and business for today's market then are you really ready for tomorrow. The last 30 years has seen more change than the previous 100 years - the last decade has seen more change than the previous two. So what is driving these rate of change?

A Faster Future: the New Speed of Change

The worst thing you can do is build today's business for tomorrow. While you were building your business, your skills, your network, and your team the world changed. If at the heart of all those things you didn't have adaptability at the core then you were building the wrong thing. The last 30 years has seen more change than the previous 100 years - the last decade has seen more change than the previous two. What is driving these rate of change? To plan for the future we can't plan based on today we have to understand how change happens and plot our course ahead of the curve.


“Brett’s knowledge in technological leadership and guidance on best practice in innovation, digital platforms and revenue generation is invaluable.”

Justin Grace - Marketing and Communications Director, Brisbane Festival
“Brett nailed it. He had the afternoon session and his presentation about AI had the attention of the crowd, and his style was highly engaging. The slideshow with embedded videos was incredibly professional but well considered and had the attention of the audience. Highly recommended.”
Peter Todd - Chief Learning and Development Officer, SSKB

“Brett challenged attendees with what is already happening now, and what might happen in the future. Wow – what a fantastic speaker and the feedback received was excellent.”

Shane Charles - Executive Chairman, Toowoomba and Surat Basin Enterprise

“Brett stoked the fires of creativity and innovation for our Food Leaders Australia event. His take on value chains, technology and how they can be harnessed to drive the transformation in our sector is always fresh and a wakeup call that enterprises should always take heed.”

Dr Ben Lyons - Chief Executive Officer, Food Leaders Australia

“Brett’s grasp of the challenges and opportunities of innovation in and around Agribusiness is only superseded by his ability to eloquently articulate both experiences of innovation and opportunity to be gained from innovation.”

Tim Burrow – CEO, Agribusiness Australia




‘Fake’ Food, the Super Bowl and Fake News

Every year, one Sunday, early in February, the eyes of the USA turn on to the Super Bowl. In 2020 a lobby group spent a purported US$5.6 million to use the Super Bowl platform to pedal fear to the public about clean or alternate meats using pseudoscience. Innovation and progress aren't always right and new isn't always better but science and reason must win out over fear and deceit.

A tale of innovation, greed, compassion & disruption in the face of COVID-19

In the face of the COVID19 crisis to date Italy has seen more confronting times than almost anyone. When crises arise we frequently see both the best of people and the worst. In this case skilled innovators brought their focused problem solving to the aid of the health care system and in the process disrupted the incumbent supplier who failed to see the situation from the perspective of their or understand the need to act for the greater good.

Workforce disruption – Better Leaders to Build a Better Future

In 2015 CEDA (Committee for Economic Development of Australia) released a report that 5 million Australian jobs from that time would cease to exist through automation before 2030. The concept has been extrapolated to become a key topic at every relevant seminar and conference since then but now that we're nearly a third of the way into the forecast period what opportunities are their for Australia to use leadership as a tool to combat the forecast disruption...?

Opinion: Australian ag must grow up to grow

AUSTRALIA’S agricultural industry has a bright future with growing global opportunities at every turn. Despite being globally remote, battling the challenge of being distributed across such a large continent, and the impact of a predominantly arid climate, the nation’s ability to produce agricultural product for the global market sees Australia punching well above its weight. Australia’s commercial relationships with the rest of the world are driven by a first world economy, underpinned by enormous natural resources, a widely dispersed population and a good helping of ingenuity.


Let’s Talk


Brett can deliver keynotes, written content, or workshops that are designed to inspire, inform and engage your audiences. Developing content based on themes for the future of industry and focusing on innovation, future trends and skills needed in the business world of tomorrow is what we do.


About Brett

Brett Wiskar is an innovation expert, futurist, speaker and writer on the subjects of innovation, disruption, technology and it’s impacts on people, businesses and society. He works with clients and project teams on diverse subjects such as adaptability, digital enablement, innovation, data (big & small), strategy, business models & the future of industries & markets.

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